by Joshua Apalbilah-Content Blogger

Over the past couple of years, there has been numerous deaths in Ghana and Africa as a whole. There have been 5,498 death cases caused by cholera between the years 1970 and 2012. Cholera continues to kill people and poses as a serious threat to Ghanaians.
Cholera is an infectious disease that causes severe watery diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, even death if untreated or not treated correctly. Cholera is caused by eating food or drinking water contaminated with bacterium called vibrio cholerae.
Cholera has been nicknamed "blue death" because a person dying of cholera may lose so many body fluids that their skin turns bluish-gray.
It is clear that the major cause of cholera in Ghana is drinking water that is drinking water, which is contaminated. However, water is also a very important role in and everyday lives and when people are left with no other option than to drink from such source, cholera would remain as a sanitation menace in Ghana. Global Water Promise seeks to help supply the less privileged communities in Ghana by providing them with good, clean and portable water and help nip cholera in the bud.
We would be happy if you would share our articles and aid in the donations towards this dream of ours. #ITALLBEGINSWITHGOODWATER #WATERISLIFE #GOODWATERFORALL
Joshua Apalbilah is Global Water Promise's Social Media and Content Blogger.